Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Beautiful World

Someone who has tremendous knowledge, a good dressing sense, a great job, amazing salary and perks, a car and luxuries despite being humble and simple, unbelievable modesty, sensitivity and direction, humanity and patience… and an inferiority complex.

Someone who asks a million questions and appears funny and silly, and is still loved for who she is, and her honesty and forthrightness.

Someone who thinks he’s the alpha male, the most intelligent of them all, and acts like a prince even though he’s fake inside and outside, and people know it and see through his artificiality… and he’s still unconcerned and unaffected, regaling himself and exploiting others in his make-believe perfect world.

Someone who has a terrible destiny, and only one hand that can save, and he ends up biting the very hand that tries to pull him up from his deep grave… time and again.

Someone who thinks she is being used and abused, not aware of the fact that this “being used” is what gives her happiness and contentment... that without it, she would feel unneeded, unhappy and aimless.

Someone who can’t figure out why he is mistreated and ignored, and he behaves like he doesn’t care when he actually does. He isn’t strong enough to inquire or seek help, or to change even… but he still cares for those that mistreat and ignore him…

Someone who hides his insecurities by being mean to others, he dreams of being better than others by criticising and ridiculing the very people that love him…

Someone who has a pure heart and a fabulous sense of humour, he is smart as he is helpful, and yet his path is strewn with difficulties and setbacks. His tolerance and strength is tremendous... maybe the calm before the storm.

Someone who loves the sound of her own voice and has an opinion on everything, she is clueless about how she impacts others negatively, even as she carries a hundred gifts within her that get shrouded by her ugly words and tone…

Someone who has a deep understanding of people, relations and interactions… and yet can’t sustain a single relationship. Despite all his understanding and clarity of thought, he was alone. Not that he minded...

Someone who wants to be loved, appreciated, popular and idealized… and can’t unravel why she is forsaken as those lesser move ahead and achieve what for her appears unattainable.

Someone who abuses and insults people generously, his confidence and uncomplicated straightforwardness is often a slap in the face. How folks thought about him was not on the top 20 things he'd worry about. His goal was clear, his intentions were anything but tentative, and he revelled in his image - be it complimentary or the opposite. Commendable guts!!

It’s a beautiful world…

Made further gorgeous by many varied lovely people :-)

Like you and me!!

Look for the beauty around you. It abounds!!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

You can’t make me hate him!

No matter what he does, no matter what he doesn’t do.

I know he’s mine. And he loves me more than anyone else ever could.

He watches out for me, takes care of me, and nurtures me when even I don’t need him.

He backs me whenever I do anything, and he forgives me a million times.

I owe it to him.

Our relation’s just like any other except for one fact.

We fight, we argue, we laugh, we talk, we abuse, we work together, we cry, we bitch and we appreciate... Just like others…

But we never let go.

I stick to him, and he stands by me all the friggin’ time.

Yeah, we have our share of tiffs where I ask him to keep off, calling him names and telling him he’s a no-good-sucker and I’m better off without him. That I don’t need him, and I would manage on my own, thank you very much.

He doesn’t sulk, he doesn’t justify or shout back. He just smiles.

And I say, “Grrr… why don’t you just FO…?!” and walk away.

A couple of days later, I find myself back in his arms.

He doesn’t call me, I don’t ask to be called. It just happens. I turn to him, and he quietly embraces me as if we’d always been that way. With the same smile on his face that I’d seen when I left.

Funny how his smiles appear to mock at times and convey strength on other occasions.

Really, I’m a fool to even judge his intentions.

He’s ALWAYS right.

And the craziest bit is, even if he seems to be wrong, situations modify themselves to prove him right! He can make miracles happen... and you can do nothing to stop what he bids...

Some conspiracy, I tell you. I don’t know how he does it.

Even if I cajole or fight back, he doesn’t do anything that would prove difficult or critical for me, either immediately or in the long run. He’s got a keen eye for detail and he can see far ahead than the most reliable prophet. Even if it means he’ll have to put up with my hatred and sorrow and anger, he still does what is right for me, not just going by what I want.

“Thank you” and “sorry” are words that I sometimes utter, but I know he doesn’t need to hear them. My feelings matter to him, but not at the cost of my well-being. His dedication and loyalty to me are extraordinary.

Call it faith, call it being stupid.

can’t say our relation is invisible; I can sense it, and so can others who care to look.

It’s beautiful, this thing we have.

I don’t know what I’d do without him.


And having known him so long, and so well, there’s no way we’re ever gonna part.

Come what may.

I love you

Yours forever,