It always amazed me that, there are all kind of people
in this world.
People who are Genuine ,People who are
not, and people who think they are
but are actually not .
People who mull and don't
express, and people who think
and feel and don't verbally/directly convey.
people who are nice,selfish,
generous and those who are plain confused
Damn,where does God
keep all this molds and casts ??
Even with every human having 7 lookalikes around the world,I bet none of
them are identical in their mannerisms and attitudes..!
Point Noted- But how would we know what an individual is like ??
Do we judge him by the way he behave ?
Or the way he pretends to behave ?
Do we judge him by his clothes and speech ? Or by the way he treats things
and people around him ?
Do we judge him by what he says about himself ?
Or by he way he sends out
vibes and impressions ?
No child play, eh ?
I am not afraid to say that
I've often made mistake
in judging people.
(Don't give me that the bullshit that you don't judge people , All of us do. We may not say it out loud or even to ourselves ,but we just form an opinion and sooner or later confirm/ modify it )
For example -I thought this boy was cold and hateful ,Turns out that He really a wonderfull person ,Completely trustworthy and sensible.
I could give you so many illustrations where
individuals with funny reputations have been
excellent friends and human beings.
And also situations where those
that we trust and expect from,turns us down
and starttle us with their
self centerdness and undependability .
What do I say ..its quite an interesting exersise
to try and understand
how people are and how
it relates to what they
So , how are you
Or Shall we say...
Who are you ..
Explore yourself ..!!
(Barnita Haldar )
Amazing posts! Loved reading the posts. Waiting for the uploads.. :)