He played with me.
He tied my laces for me.
He helped me get over with my leg pains.
He told me stories at bed time.
My father was the best thing that could have ever happened to me.
A father beside me…always willing to answer my weirdest questions, at any hour in the night.
I was a lost, dreamy kid who got the wildest dreams in the whole universe. But of course, my father was always there, when I used to suddenly wake up at odd hours, and cry out to him.
He was interested in knowing what had troubled me, and then I would blurt it out to him, about how a cow had threatened me to snatch away my food and force me to gulp down its dry bread crumbs in exchange.
It didn't really bother me how he reacted to my tantrums, but the fact that he used to bear with them all, was enough.
He used to buy me ice-cream whenever I asked for them. And of course, our outings were incomplete without a snack or two…
Life seemed perfect with my father.
Mom was there obviously, but that was different. With dad, it was always, all about me. What I like, what I love, who I like, who I adore.
THE most important part of my life. He was all that mattered to me.
And one day, he just vanished.
(Barnita Haldar )
reallllyyyyy nice nd heart touching!!