He played with me.
He tied my laces for me.
He helped me get over with my leg pains.
He told me stories at bed time.
My father was the best thing that could have ever happened to me.
A father beside me…always willing to answer my weirdest questions, at any hour in the night.
I was a lost, dreamy kid who got the wildest dreams in the whole universe. But of course, my father was always there, when I used to suddenly wake up at odd hours, and cry out to him.
He was interested in knowing what had troubled me, and then I would blurt it out to him, about how a cow had threatened me to snatch away my food and force me to gulp down its dry bread crumbs in exchange.
It didn't really bother me how he reacted to my tantrums, but the fact that he used to bear with them all, was enough.
He used to buy me ice-cream whenever I asked for them. And of course, our outings were incomplete without a snack or two…
Life seemed perfect with my father.
Mom was there obviously, but that was different. With dad, it was always, all about me. What I like, what I love, who I like, who I adore.
THE most important part of my life. He was all that mattered to me.
And one day, he just vanished.
(Barnita Haldar )
You sure know what I’m talking about, and you sure have seen it (probably even done it, if you're a man!) yourself.
I mean, what’s with you, guys??? Just WHY do you need to keep touching your crotch like that in public places in fronta a hundred people???
You think us women got no problems when we wear teeny-weeny thongs and fancy, uncomfortable bras??!!! But we do get by, and so can you...
I think you do it on purpose. Coz you know it irritates and repels us. (I mean attracting us is perhaps the most I important thing in your list, but to attract attention is a greater priority. Which you can’t achieve by being noble and gentlemanly and sweet. So you take the easy way out. And then you do this. To display your dirty intentions and foul attitude and filthy disposition. Grrr...)
Another addition to the freak things are eunuchs (also called hinjras). I’m mighty scared of them. I know they’re born a particular way, and I know it’s not their fault. But hell, why do they behave that way??? (Thankfully not with the ladies.) Touching them and calling for their attention and cajoling them to give money, and then doing weird stunts when they refuse, sometimes even when they give in!
I freeze in terror and fear when one walks past me, or pauses if I’m with any guy. It’s a grisly situation, knowing that one isn’t counted as normal and “one-of-us”...
And the beggars! Offooo... Li’l kids running around on main roads peak traffic and signals, either touching with their hands or doing some antics or thrusting their baby brothers and sisters at riders... Or deformed, eccentric adults cheesing you off by making a show of their handicaps. Gross gross gross! humans exist only in movies
Now, I know most of you guys think I’ve this blog primarily for male-bashing purposes, but that ain’t true. I do admire the masculine gender for being very resourceful, fun-loving and for keeping secrets. (Would it be proof enough if I told you almost 70% of my good friends till date have been guys?) So, don’t consider even for a moment that I belong to the men-haters club. In fact, i prefer the company of men over women any day simply coz they are available, they do not pretend to be super-busy or hyper-popular, and they are low maintenance. A beer and a smoke and you can sit and chat for hours on end about silly, inconsequential matters. Sigh, life’s so easy!
(Plus there is no expectation about doing the housework . And you can roam around topless. And no chummssssss!!!! Boo hoooo... Wishing for the umpteenth time I was a man!!!)
(But then, maybe not...)
I guess, it's all for the best!
(Barnita Haldar )
She liked him. He liked her.
Was it love? Both of them did not want to know.
They looked lovely together.
Neither knew what would happen later, but they were content with being with each other for the present. The haze which loomed in the future did not eclipse their laughs and chemistry. Life was good.
Some relations only give joy, and others only sorrow.
They sat huddled next to each other on the sofa. A few common friends occupied the chairs in front of them.
He wrapped his arm around her waist. He looked at her and smiled. The tenderness in his eyes made her forget that she had ever been lonely.
He stroked her hair, he held her close. He could not bear her moving away from him to greet another friend. He felt so nice with her, so complete, so much at peace.
They looked so much at ease together. They had eyes and ears only for each other, and their hands did not part for one second.
Is love only manifest when two people decide to tie the knot? Is love only true when two individuals vow to live together for life?
What about those who stay united in their hearts despite the million miles and thousand traditions that separate them?
He was so right for her. This man, who understood her , fulfilled all that she had ever desired. Jolly yet mature, naughty yet caring – he was a little more than perfect. What wouldn’t She do to have him forever?
The atmosphere was rocking. The music was terrific. She felt a little tipsy . She was content. Contented that there was a guy in this world who not just adored her and wanted to be with her, but could also manage to keep her happy. She seemed to be asking for too much by wanting this from her self-proclaimed “lovers”. This guy was sweet, this guy would have been just right for her if only…
(Barnita Haldar )
What I've learnt so far is...
That no matter how much I want something, I will only get it if it's meant/destined for me.
What I've learnt so far is...
That beer, vodka, tequila, whisky, gin, wine and rum cannot replace the high or the necessity of water.
What I've learnt so far is...
That I can spend all my time and money on friends, and yet the first folks to reach me in my need would be my family.
What I've learnt so far is...
No matter how much I try, some people are going to dislike, misunderstand and abandon me.
What I've learnt so far is...
The best things in life may not be free, but nor are they always bought with money.
What I've learnt so far is...
That a baby's smile and a warm hug can pacify the mightiest and the angriest.
What I've learnt so far is...
Education does not teach you everything, but it counts regardless.
What I've learnt so far is...
That people should be given advice, and then set free to make their own choices and mistakes.
What I've learnt so far is...
There can be 100 rules, but there are 101 ways to break them.
What I've learnt so far is...
Close relationships die when individuals stop sharing their true feelings and needs.
What I've learnt so far is...
That there are times when one wants to cry, to be left alone, and they should not be disallowed.
What I've learnt so far is...
Sometimes you (un)willingly say goodbye, and sometimes you never get the chance.
What I've learnt so far is...
My heart will NEVER listen to my head.
Nor will yours... if your heart is genuine :-)
What I've learnt so far is...
No matter how much I learn/write/know, there shall always be more.
The day I know EVERY thing, I shall not be alive to share it with you...
But, I'm here now, and I shall keep sharing about everything I DO know till I can :-D
(Barnita Haldar )
It always amazed me that, there are all kind of people
in this world.
People who are Genuine ,People who are
not, and people who think they are
but are actually not .
People who mull and don't
express, and people who think
and feel and don't verbally/directly convey.
people who are nice,selfish,
generous and those who are plain confused
Damn,where does God
keep all this molds and casts ??
Even with every human having 7 lookalikes around the world,I bet none of
them are identical in their mannerisms and attitudes..!
Point Noted- But how would we know what an individual is like ??
Do we judge him by the way he behave ?
Or the way he pretends to behave ?
Do we judge him by his clothes and speech ? Or by the way he treats things
and people around him ?
Do we judge him by what he says about himself ?
Or by he way he sends out
vibes and impressions ?
No child play, eh ?
I am not afraid to say that
I've often made mistake
in judging people.
(Don't give me that the bullshit that you don't judge people , All of us do. We may not say it out loud or even to ourselves ,but we just form an opinion and sooner or later confirm/ modify it )
For example -I thought this boy was cold and hateful ,Turns out that He really a wonderfull person ,Completely trustworthy and sensible.
I could give you so many illustrations where
individuals with funny reputations have been
excellent friends and human beings.
And also situations where those
that we trust and expect from,turns us down
and starttle us with their
self centerdness and undependability .
What do I say ..its quite an interesting exersise
to try and understand
how people are and how
it relates to what they
So , how are you
Or Shall we say...
Who are you ..
Explore yourself ..!!
(Barnita Haldar )
I am feeling so confused
I don't know what to do
I know I really should
Just walk away from you ,
But to do this
My heart will break
Cuz then forever we would be apart
You are not mine
This I know
But it doesn't stop
The feelings I have grown
You are more than
Just a friend to me
And in your heart
I wish I could be
I would love you
Till the end
On me you could
always depend.
What do I do
I wish I knew
Why cant I just
Walk away from you
I am selfish
This I know
Its just because
I want you so
Are you confused
Just like me
Do you also wish
It was meant to be
It is hard
But this I know
I really don't want
To let you go
You have a life
That I cant share
But how I wish
That I was there
To ease your stress,
let you know
I care love you forever
And always be there
We both know
IT would be wrong
But in each other
Arms we belong
So until we meet
We just carry on
Knowing there feeling
(Barnita Haldar )
From carrying a universal register in our bags to wearing pretty pink clips . .
From wearing translucent leggings in winters to boys checking out the shiniest legs in the corridor
From being chinwags to hating them!
From having dreams divorced from the reality to being non-conformists . . .
From being overnourished with sarcasm to writing truncated answers in exams . .
From bursting crackers to spilling colours . .
From keeping our couch always open for those friends kicked out of the house to getting our asses kicked!
From being pitch perfect to being boorish.
From settling old scores to mocking those who are phoney . .
From cracking sad jokes in class to cracking the ones hard to understand.
From prompting answers in class to pretending to be perfect in all the lessons . .
From bunking classes to counting the days we were actually present a day before our PTM..
From strictly sticking to out staple Fx diet to gulping every bit of food in other's tiffins. .
From begging for finance in the canteen
From being the BEST to being what we really are made of . .Or so we are told and we are completely okay with it!
(Barnita Haldar )
Barely few hours left
before the Durga Puja .The festive has stuck an electrifying mood all over the devotees . The decorated homes ,buy gifts for friends and relatives and new cloths for themselves .The shopping malls and markets are totally packed up from one month before the festival . The youngsters take this opportunity to buy anything and everything .
The puja is celebrated for 5 days commencing from 6th day of navarathri and ending on the 10th day .The preparations start before a month .The whole atmosphere is filled with energy and enthusiasm.
The idols of Lord Durga , Lord Ganesha ,Lord Kartik ,Goddess Lakshmi and Goddess Saraswathi are prepared . On Mahasashti day , the life of the Devi is brought from the nearby pond or river in a banana tree and established inside the image . This marks the commencement of Durga puja . The pandals erected throughout the state attract all the people . The decorations are made and every year new designs are introduced . The drum known as Dhak starts it beat with its majestic rhythm from Mahasashti day.
Durga puja , the Bengalis wear new cloths ,shoes , jewels . Everywhere cultural programmes are organised throughout the day . Special dishes are prepared and distributed to all . Durga puja for bengalis ia all about fun , frolic and food . The festival is never been considered without good food .
On Mahadasami day , the Idol is taken out of the pandal ina grant procession , during evening .
Everybody walks towards the bank of the River for immersing the Idol .
Thousand of people will be seen on that time . Happy Puja